Society Girl

octubre 27, 2017

I have joined a Debate Society at university (PUC). I have always wanted to try debate, I feel like it suits me. Plus the fact that you are forced to take literally any side of an argument and defend it only with honest-to-jesus logic appeals to me. However, the way I came across it made me think about how passive I've been to certain activities-and how this needs to change. 

I only heard about it because one of my classmates mentioned she was going. It didn't even occur to me that there could be a debate society at college, which is ridiculous because... If debate societies exist WHERE ELSE WOULD THERE BE ONE IF NOT COLLEGE? But, there you go. Passive.

I feel as if I could have started dancing sooner if I had made some inquires when I was 14. I also could've been at La Chile's debate team. I could've been at PENTA. Or some creative writing camp. So many different things I could've tried but I didn't just because I didn't think to look for them, in spite of knowing I wanted to try them.

Not to diminish the power of chance, but the most fortunate fateful occurrences in my life have been motivated by some sort of quest, effort, journey, willful discovery. 

Make of that what you will; I'm not going to live in regret anymore, but I'm definitely going to put myself out there and make things happen for me. Cliché, I know. But hey, I'd rather this bravery shoe to fit than the scared regretful shy girl one-so yeah! 

Let's toast for exciting the comfort zone.

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