Defining your Reading Delights
noviembre 07, 2017
My 2017 Christmas present from my Dad will be a Reading Spa session at Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights. The mere fact that I will be returning to Bath so soon is outstanding, but being able to actually have my tea and cake while books and books are brought to me-that's what heaven is actually like (I imagine, figuratively, since I don't really believe in it).
When I set the appointment, I was asked to define my reading tastes... AND IT WAS SO HARD. I'm interested in so many things (see my first post, really), that I really struggled to narrow it down. Nonetheless, here is what I came up with:
I like oddly specific non-fiction (about objects, towns or animals, for example), interesting biographies, essays, and travel writing that feels almost like literary fiction. Regarding fiction, I love introspective/psychological prose, stories that are very evocative even if not much happens plot-wise. I'm also always on the lookout for modern plays and poetry with these characteristics. My favorite authors are Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett, Gabriel García Márquez, Jane Austen, Dorothy Parker and Yukio Mishima. Mishima has this amazing short story called Onnagata, which I think sums up almost everything I love. I'm not very interested in thrillers or paranormal, unless it's magical realism/gothic and has a point beyond just the mystery. I like fairy tales and fairy tale-inspired works, especially if they get really dark. Like Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber stories. García Márquez's "I only came to use the phone" and Daniel Kehlmann's F is the sort of weird and dark stuff I love.
And, six months later, I still think it is quite a decent summary. It encompasses almost everything I adore, except perhaps History, which I didn't include. Either way, if I'm looking for recommendations, general History is not what I'm looking for, since I already know what I like and it's not hard to find. I'd rather have oddly specific fiction suggested to me instead!
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