{Diary Entry #01} Nearly breaking, coping, getting better...
noviembre 27, 2018
So, history can repeat itself, as it turns out.
A couple of weeks ago I realized the semester was almost over and, although I've read quite a bit, I haven't written nearly half as much as I wanted to, and I hadn't uploaded Booktube videos in months, and I broke.
I was tired and miserable, about to collapse. I knew everything I was doing were things I liked, but still, it felt like too much. That is the problem, when you like so many different things, and you love what you do: you can put too much on your plate, and then suddenly you're burning out amidst things you love.
Luckily, thanks to years of practice, I was able to quickly regroup. I gave myself a couple of days off, went back to my psychiatrist, made a list of everything I wish I could do but also admitted to myself that I will not be able to do every single thing. I need to prioritize, especially considering that the next year will be my last in the undergrad program and I want to have finished some of the stuff I've been writing for years before moving on to other things. In order to take my writing seriously, I need to cut loose other things.
The guilt hasn't faded, the feeling that I'm not ever doing enough either, BUT, I'm trying to fight it. Because I don't want to live in a constant state of stress; on thing is doing a lot, one thing is doing too much to a point where you cannot breathe.
I want to be able to breathe.
Thus, I'm taking back the reigns.
Wish me luck!
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